The Faculty of Pharmacy strongly believes in the need of collaboration between academia and industry and this collaboration is represented in the following activities:
1. Raising funds from major pharmaceutical manufacturers to renovate labs and lecture rooms in the school of Pharmacy.
2. Reaching out to local pharmaceutical industries and building bridges of collaboration between Academia and Industry.
3. Sending graduate students to study abroad and specialize in pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical industry to act as a main source of expertise and training for local pharmaceutical companies.
4. Updating the curricula and internships to establish a line of well-qualified professionals ready to commence their careers at different posts in pharmaceutical manufacturing site throughout the country and the region.
5. Establishing collaboration between the industry and the School of Pharmacy to conduct research pertaining to various fields of pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy.
6. Providing consultation services to local and regional pharmaceutical industries with emphasis on regional and global accreditation requirements.
7. Collaborating with local industries to meet the requirements set by the Jordanian Food and Drug Administration pertaining to registration of new drugs and conducting bioequivalence studies.
8. We are the first and only school of pharmacy in Jordan to solicit funding from the Jordanian Pharmacists Association, key pharmacy figures and major pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide state of the art equipment, data show projectors and multimedia centers in 12 of the lecture rooms in the School of Pharmacy.
9. Holding career days throughout the year to form bridges of communications and trust between graduate pharmacists and local pharmacy employers.
Collaboration Agreements
1) Alhikma Pharmaceutical Company.
2) ACDIMA Biocentre.
3) Dar Aldawa Development & Investment Co.
4) TQ Pharma.
5) Arab Drug Store Co. (Shocair Group).
6) Joswe medical Company.
7) SHAI Company.
8) TTP for students training.
9) JPM .
10) Hayat Pharmaceutical Industries.
11) Pharma International Company.
12) Amman Pharmaceutical Industries API.
13) Abu Hamad drug store.
14) Jordan Pharmaceutical Association JPA.
15) Rawhi Drug Store.
16) HDS Drug Store.