The students who have bachelor's degree in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy are eligible to enroll in this program which includes two courses:

Thesis-based Course:

The master program in Pharmaceutical Sciences requires 33 credit hours distributed into basic and elective units which cover many advanced subjects in pharmacy. The program provides a broadband pharmaceutical sciences, pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology. This program depends on the thesis which accounted for 9 credit hours dedicated to this academic dissertation (thesis). The student can choose one of faculty members in line with the specialization chosen to supervise the research, which takes approximately two semesters to end the practical part of the research and writing, in order to be discussed with a specialized committee of faculty members at the college and a member from outside the university to ensure the authenticity of the academic work and the research findings.

Unit-based Course:

The master program in pharmaceutical sciences requires 33 credit hours distributed into  21-hour basic units and 12-hour elective units. The program covers advanced subjects in pharmaceutical sciences, pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology. The program aims to motivate students to do research and scientific studies in various fields of above sciences and to link these sciences with the labor market needs. For the purpose of graduation, the student must pass the comprehensive exam which is scheduled at specific declared times, and the exam covers selected subjects from those studied throughout the four sessions.
PostgraduatePharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
This program was established to graduate clinical pharmacists who are able to work in health institutions as part of the medical team. The program is hour -based system. The student must pass 33 credit hours that include two courses: thesis-based course (9 credits), which is a prerequisite to obtain a master's degree in clinical pharmacy, and unit-based course, which requires passing the comprehensive exam cover a range of subjects studied throughout the four seasons. The students who have Bachelor in Pharmacy and Pharm. D. can join this program, which is designed to motivate students to do scientific research in various clinical pharmacy sciences and linking this research with the labor market needs. This program also aims to qualify students to higher studies, independence in scientific research, areas of the field work and scientific constructive independent thinking. The program covers advanced topics in clinical pharmacology and clinical care. The basic requirements include field training in the hospital for four credit hours, which a credit hour is equivalent to 8-hour training.

PostgraduateBiopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy
Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy
Th Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science Program was planned in line with approved graduate programs in the university. The program provides advanced research knowledge in the disciplines of the various pharmaceutical sciences. The students who have master's degree in any fields of pharmaceutical sciences, provided that first university degree should be in Pharmacy, are qualified for admission to Ph. D. program. The plan includes 54 credit hours the student studies 36 hours distributed into basic and elective units, in addition to success in 2-paper exam knowledge efficiency and thesis equivalent to 18 credit hours dedicated to advanced search in specialization-related knowledge. The students must present the research results of new information and innovative analysis method.  The research results are discussed before a specialized committee to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the information contained therein. The Ph. D. grants graduates rights and privileges to work in various academic edifices.

PostgraduatePharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
The students who have bachelor's degree in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy are eligible to enroll in this program and the student must have at least one year experience working in pharmaceutical markiting or pharmacoeconomics or a job experience in previously mentioned areas obtained during the first year of the study in the program.
The program is full 34 credit hours theoritical organized  as 16 credit hours obligatory and 9 credit hours elective.
Th Ph.D. in Clinical Pharmacy Program was planned in line with approved graduate programs in the university. The program provides advanced research knowledge in the disciplines of the various pharmaceutical and clinical sciences. The students who have master's degree in clinical pharmacy have the first priority and any other fields of pharmaceutical sciences have the second priority, provided that first university degree should be in Pharmacy, are qualified for admission to Ph. D. program. The plan includes 54 credit hours the student studies 36 hours distributed into basic and elective units, in addition to success in 2-paper exam knowledge efficiency and thesis equivalent to 18 credit hours dedicated to advanced search in specialization-related knowledge or pass a comprehensive exam . The students must present the research results of new information and innovative analysis method.  The research results are discussed before a specialized committee to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the information contained therein. The Ph. D. grants graduates rights and privileges to work in various academic edifices.

PostgraduateBiopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy
Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy