The Commission seminars and conferences / Faculty of Pharmacy is pleased to invite you to a scientific forum entitled: "Methodologies for Writing Manuscripts and Its Importance to Graduate Students" Date: Tuesday 22/12/2015 Time: 1:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Rana Dajani Place: International Pharmacy auditorium-Pharmacy
Dr. Dajani spearheaded the effort to establish a law for stem cell research ethics in Jordan. She is a strong advocate for the theory of biological evolution and of its compatibility with Islam. She acquired a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Iowa, USA, is a Eisenhower fellow, a Fulbright alumnus twice, an Associate Professor and former Director of the centre of studies at the Hashemite University, Jordan. Dr. Dajani’s aims in life are to strive and pursue the realization of an international community suitable in all aspects i.e. health, social environmental etc. for future generations.
An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "IF WE CAN REVERSE CELL FATE WHY CAN’T WE REDEFINE WHAT SUCCESS MEANS?"An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "IF WE CAN REVERSE CELL FATE WHY CAN’T WE REDEFINE WHAT SUCCESS MEANS?"Yes
The Commission seminars and conferences / Faculty of Pharmacy is pleased to invite you to a scientific forum entitled: "Understanding Chronic Wounds and Wound Bed Preparation TIME Concept" Date: Wednesday 11/11/2015 Time: 1:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Fadi Sunna Place: International Pharmacy auditorium-Pharmacy
11/1/2015Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy3/12/2017
An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "Understanding Chronic Woundsand Wound Bed Preparation TIME Concept"An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "Understanding Chronic Woundsand Wound Bed Preparation TIME Concept"Biopharmaceutics and Clinical PharmacyYes
The Commission seminars and conferences / Faculty of Pharmacy is pleased to invite you to a scientific forum entitled: "Stem cell therapy center from concept to working model" Date: Tuesday 17/11/2015 Time: 12:00 PM Speaker: Prof. Abdalla Awidi Place: International Pharmacy auditorium-Pharmacy
An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "Stem cell therapy center from concept to working model"An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "Stem cell therapy center from concept to working model"Yes
The Commission seminars and conferences / Faculty of Pharmacy is pleased to invite you to a scientific forum entitled: "AT THE INTERFACE: ADVENTURES IN BIONANOTECHNOLOGY" Date: Wednesday 9/12/2015 Time: 1:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Alaa Ahmed Aljabali Place: International Pharmacy auditorium-Pharmacy
An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "AT THE INTERFACE:  ADVENTURES IN BIONANOTECHNOLOGY"An invitation to attend a lecture entitled "AT THE INTERFACE:  ADVENTURES IN BIONANOTECHNOLOGY"Yes

Competencies Survey
Training Survey
Stakeholders WorkshopStakeholders WorkshopYes
Training Survey
Training Survey Training Survey Yes
1200401  تدريب صيدلاني ميداني  1
1210402  تدريب صيدلاني ميداني ٢
1201202 تحليل صيدلاني كيميائي-عملي
1211212 الكيمياء العضويه الصيدلانيه عملي ١
1201316 تحليل صيدلاني آلي -عملي
1201403 الكيمياءالدوائيه-عملي
1201428 تحليل العقاقير الكيميائي-عملي
1201571 ندوة في العلوم الصيدلانية
1201933 ندوة في كيمياء الأدوية
1202234 حسابات وتركيب الأشكال الصيدلانية/عم
1202236 الصيدله الفيزيائيه-عملي
1212332  التقنيه الصيدلانيه - عملي  ١
1202334 التقنيه الصيدلانيه-عملي ٢
1202572 ندوة في الصيدلانيات والتقنيه الصيدلان
1203252  الكيمياء الحيويه عملي  ١
1203365 علم الادويه-عملي
1203573 ندوة في الصيدلة الحيوية والسريرية
1203601  تدريب سريري - باطني  ١
1203602  تدريب سريري - باطني  ٢
1203603 تدريب سريري-أطفال
1203604 تدريب سريري - أمراض نفسيه وكبارال
1203605 تدريب سريري - نسائيه وتوليد
1203606 تدريب سريري-جراحة
1203607 تدريب سريري-حرائك الادوية
1203608 تدريب سريري ميداني-عيادات خارجيه
1203712  تدريب ميداني عام في المستشفى ١
1203713  تدريب ميداني عام في المستشفى  ٢
1203561 ممارسة في الصيدلة السريرية​
1202442 ​علم الاحياء الدقيقة - عملي
1203427 ​دراسة حالات في المداواة 1
1203451 ​الكيمياءالحيويه السريريه الصيدلانيه
1203505​ ​دراسة حالات في المداواة 3
1203577 ​حرائك الادوية السريرية
1201322 ​علم العقاقير عملي
Practical Assessment Practical Assessment Yes
تحليل صيدلاني كيميائي 1201201
الكيمياء العضويه الصيدلانيه 1201215
تحليل صيدلاني آلي 1201315
( كيمياء العقاقير( ١ 1201323
كيمياء النباتات الطبيه 1201390
( الكيمياءالدوائيه ( ٢ 1201402
الطب البديل 1201414
تحليل العقاقير الكيميائي 1201427
الكيمياء الدوائيه ( ٣ ) 1201515
تطبيقات التفريق اللوني 1201524
التقنيه الحيويه الصيدلانيه 1201535
كيمياء دوائية 1201710
الكيمياء العضوية الصيدلانية 1231722
مواضيع مختارة في اكتشاف الادوية ( ١ ) 1201902
أساليب ومناهج وأدوات البحث العلمي 1201925
الإحصاء الصيدلاني المتقدم 1201926
المبادىء الفيزيوكيميائيه الصيدلانيه 1202134
حسابات وتركيب الأشكال الصيدلانية 1202230
الصيدله الفيزيائيه 1202235
( التقنيه الصيدلانيه( ٢ 1202333
( علم الاحياء الدقيقه الصيدلاني ( ١ 1202341
احصاء صيدلاني 1202381
تشريعات واخلاقيات الصيدلة 1202517
النظائر المشعه الصيدلانيه 1202533
مواضيع مختارة في التقنيةالصيدلانيه 1202538
مواضيع مختاره في علم الاحياء الدقيق 1202541
توليف الأدويه وطرق إيصالها ٢ 1202726
الصيدلة الفيزيائية 1232727
المصطلحات الطبيه 1203102
( الكيمياء الحيويه( ٢ 1203253
فسيولوجيا الامراض للصيدله 1203301
اسعاف أولي 1203302
علم المناعه والوراثه 1213302
علم الأدوية ( ١ ) 1203363
( علم الادويه ( ٢ 1203364
اقتصاديات صيدلانيه 1203401
( الممارسة الصيدلانيه( ٢ 1203406
( الكيمياءالحيويه السريريه( ٢ 1203412
( المداواة ( ٢ 1203429
( دراسة حالات في المداواة ( ٢ 1203430
حرائك الادويه 1203475
دراسة حالات في حرائك الادويه 1203476
( المداواة ( ٤ 1203506
( دراسة حالات في المداواة ( ٤ 1203507
( التسويق والترويج الصيدلاني ( ١ 1203513
( التسويق والترويج الصيدلاني ( ٢ 1203514
( الممارسة الصيدلانية ( ٣ 1203516
مواد صيدلانية مساندة 1213552
ادويه بدون وصفه طبيه 1203563
علم حرائك الأدوية السريري 1203722
إدارة صيدلانية ( إقتصاد وتسويق صي 1203728
( علم الأدوية والمداواة () 1203729
علم العقاقير​ 1201321
الكيمياء الدوائية (1) 1201401
مواضيع مختارة في كيمياء النواتج الطبيعية 1211522
التقنية الصيدلانية 1 121233
الكيمياء الحيوية 1  ​ 1203251
علم الاحياء الدقيقة الصيدلانية 2​ 1202441
التقنية الصيدلانية 1 ​ 1212331
نباتات مهلوسه وسامه
​الصيدلة الحيوية 1203471
​علم السموم 1203562​
​كيمياء العقاقير 2 1201425
​مواضيع مختاره في الصيدله الفيزيائي 1202532
​علم مستحضرات التجميل 1202536
​( الممارسه الصيدلانيه 1 1203405
​الكيمياء الحيويه السريريه 1 1203411
​المداواة 1 1203426
الكيمياءالحيويه السريريه الصيدلانيه
المداواة 3


Theoretical Assessment Theoretical Assessment Yes
Satisfaction QuestionnaireSatisfaction QuestionnaireYes

العناية الصيدلانية (1203711) MSc

 الكيمياء الحيوية السريرية (1203716) MSc

توليف الادوية وطرق ايصالها 1 (1202721) MSc  

تصميم الدواء (1201705) MSc

تحليل وتشخيص الدواء (1201728) MSc

توليف الادوية وطرق ايصالها 1 (1202721) MSc

علم الادوية والمداواة 2 (Assessment) MSc

طرق بحث واحصاء سريرية (1203723) MSc

مواضيع متقدمة في المداواة (1203724) MSc

مختبر علم الادوية والتقييم الحيوي (1203905) PhD

التحليل الكروماتوغرافي المتقدم (1201928) PhD

النواتج الطبيعية الدوائية (1201908) PhD

اكتشاف الادوية والتقنية الحيوية (1201907) PhD

الصفات الفيزيوكيميائية المتقدم (Assessment)
الممارسة الصيدلانية المستندة على الادلة (Assessment)
​الكيمياء العضوية الصيدلانية  (Assessment)




Theoretical Assessment 1st Semester 2019-2020Theoretical Assessment 1st Semester 2019-2020Yes
Practical Assessment 1st Semester 2019-2020Practical Assessment 1st Semester 2019-2020Yes
MSc & PhD Assessments 1st Semester 2019-2020MSc & PhD Assessments 1st Semester 2019-2020Yes
Intended Learning Outcomes of Field Training - Survey Intended Learning Outcomes of Field Training - Survey Yes

 Blended \  The School of  Pharmacy 2021 Conference, The conference will be held at prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II International Studies Conference Hall and virtually through zoom & Facebook

Conference Registration link



​Stakeholders Competency & Outcomes 2021 Survey​

Stakeholders Competency & Outcomes 2021 SurveyStakeholders Competency & Outcomes 2021 SurveyYes
Theoretical Assessment 1st, 2022-2023Theoretical Assessment 1st, 2022-2023Yes
إنّ الهدف من هذه الاستبانة هو جمع البيانات الضرورية لتحديد احتياجات الخريجين من الجامعة الأردنية.
Graduate Needs Assessment FormGraduate Needs Assessment FormYes

​(My jorney into puplic health)

Al-Dawliyyah Auditorium

11Am August 3rd, 2022

Dr. Kaveh Khoshnood - YaleDr. Kaveh Khoshnood - YaleYes
The Pharmaceutical Field Training Committee (School of Pharmacy- The University of Jordan) is pleased to invite you to the first workshop in the field of Regulatory Affairs "RA".JPA regulatory affairs committee will host the first regulatory affairs (RA) workshop for a group of pharmacy students at the School of pharmacy. Details regarding the RA workshop include: 
To be held over 4 hours, October 13th from 10:00am – 2:00pm. 
The number of attendees should be around 70. 
The workshop place will be one of the auditorium at the School of Pharmacy. 
Arabic & English Languages will be used. 
Some quizzes or case studies might be done during the workshop. 
Participants will be granted a certificate of attendance from JPA at the end of the workshop.
The headlines of the topics to be covered are listed in the workshop agenda. 
Senior students are preferred. 
Interested students should fill in the registration link before 12/10/2022. 

The Pharmaceutical Field Training Committee (School of Pharmacy- The University of Jordan) is pleased to invite you to the first workshop in the field of Regulatory Affairs "RA".JPA regulatory affairs committee will host the first regulatory affairs (RA) workshop for a group of pharmacy students at the School of pharmacy. Details regarding the RA workshop include: To be held over 4 hours, October 13th from 10:00am – 2:00pm. The number of attendees should be around 70. The workshop place will be one of the auditorium at the School of Pharmacy. Arabic & English Languages will be used. Some quizzes or case studies might be done during the workshop. Participants will be granted a certificate of attendance from JPA at the end of the workshop. The headlines of the topics to be covered are listed in the workshop agenda. Senior students are preferred. Interested students should fill in the registration link before 12/10/2022. Link:
Regulatory affairs (RA) workshop Regulatory affairs (RA) workshop Yes

Student grievance​ Link​

Student grievance​ Link​
Student grievanceStudent grievanceYes

​The Pharmaceutical Field Training Committee (School of Pharmacy- The University of Jordan) is pleased to invite you to the first workshop in the field of Regulatory Affairs "RA".JPA regulatory affairs committee will host the first regulatory affairs (RA) workshop for a group of pharmacy students at the School of pharmacy. Details regarding the RA workshop include: 

To be held over 4 hours, October 13th from 10:00am – 2:00pm. 
The number of attendees should be around 70. 
The workshop place will be one of the auditorium at the School of Pharmacy. 
Arabic & English Languages will be used. 
Some quizzes or case studies might be done during the workshop. 
Participants will be granted a certificate of attendance from JPA at the end of the workshop.
The headlines of the topics to be covered are listed in the workshop agenda. 
Senior students are preferred. 
Interested students should fill in the registration link before 12/10/2022. 

Workshops for our studentsWorkshops for our studentsYes

New Students Welcome Day​

New Students Welcome DayNew Students Welcome DayYes

The Pharmaceutical Field Training Committee (School of Pharmacy-The University of Jordan) is pleased to invite you to the first workshop in collaboration with NAIROUKH Pharma on the field of Cross Selling Techniques. NAIROUKH PHARMA team will host the workshop for a group of pharmacy students at the School of Pharmacy. Details regarding the workshop include: 
To be held over 4 hours, November 3rd from 9:00am – 12:00pm. 
The number of attendees should be around 60. 
The workshop place will be the School of Pharmacy auditorium. 
Arabic & English Languages will be used.
Interactive role plays will take place during the second half of the workshop and will last for 90 minutes.
Participants will be granted a certificate of attendance from NAIROUKH PHARMA at the end of the workshop.
The headlines of the topics to be covered are listed in the workshop agenda. 
Senior students will be given priority.  
Accepted participants will be informed via MS TEAMS messages of team.
A coffee break will take place at 10:40 am.
Interested students should fill in the registration link before 01/11/2022. 

Cross Selling Techniques workshop Cross Selling Techniques workshop Yes
The Alumni Committee (School of Pharmacy-The University of Jordan) Would like to invite you to the first “Employability Skills Workshop".
Interested students should fill in the registration link before 08/11/2022. 
Accepted participants will be informed via email. 
P.S. Attendance certificates for graduates.

Employability Skills WorkshopEmployability Skills WorkshopYes
Medicines and drugs and legislation workshop Medicines and drugs and legislation workshop Yes
Arabic literature competitionArabic literature competitionYes
Table tennis and  badminton tournament dayTable tennis and  badminton tournament dayYes

dates for our upcoming lectures for the Fall Semester 2022! Link
Further details and registration info will be shared before each lecture.

Yale - UJ Joint Training ProgramYale - UJ Joint Training ProgramYes

​Poster Link​

Chronic Wounds & Diabetic Foot Management: Role of the Pharmacists Chronic Wounds & Diabetic Foot Management: Role of the Pharmacists Yes
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