Medical club ju

Welcome to Medical club ju Website

The medical club aim to introduce the students passions and their acheivment, it  aims to enhance students' participation in the university environment and society, support their creative abilities, highlight their passion for achievement and volunteerism, and also provide activities throughout the year that enrich the student's experience and achieve the greatest benefit for them in addition to helping students academically​


Video Corner

تخصص الصيدلة - الجامعة الاردنية
تخصص دكتور صيدلة - الجامعة الأردنية
الخطوة الأولى في البحث العلمي مع دكتورة الصيدلة بشرى عكيلة
يوم الصيادلة العالمي - مقابلات متنوعة مع الطلبة - الجامعة الاردنية
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