
The Pharmacy Students' Research Club is thrilled to invite you to our third "Critical Appraisal" workshop.

This workshop aims to provide students with a better understanding of how to analyze a scientific paper. Starting from the abstract and the introduction, then moving on to the methodology used and the statistical analysis applied.

Students will be more informed on how to criticize the scientific merit of such works. Additionally, the participants will learn about the different types of research publications and publishing bodies.

-Dates and times:

* First session: Dr. Sheeren Aleidi | Saturday | 12th of December, 2020 | 6:00 P.M

* Second session:  Dr. Amal Al-Akour  | Saturday | 19th of December, 2020| 6:00 P.M

- Deadline for applying to this workshop is Thursday, 10th of December at 10:00 P.M (Jordan's local time)​

Critical Appraisal workshopCritical Appraisal workshopPSRCPSRC15

While the world is trying to cope with the current pandemic, many pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies are racing to produce a safe and effective vaccine. 🌎🔎💡 

Therefore the Pharmacy Students Research Club (PSRC) are pleased to announce an exciting scientific lecture about "mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, advantages and pitfalls" with the immunologist Dr. Issa Abu-Dayyeh, at 8:00 pm Thursday, 17th/December/2020, via ZOOM. 💉🔬⚗️

(Meeting ID: 729 1977 8804 /Passcode: 888882) 

Dr. Issa Abu-Dayyeh got his BSc degree in Biology (pre-medical studies) from the American University of Beirut (AUB) - Lebanon, his MSc and PhD degrees in Microbiology and Immunology from McGill University - Canada. 

Dr. Issa published several research papers in high impact international peer reviewed journals. His research interests are related to allergy, tumor immunology and host-pathogen interactions.

mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, advantages and pitfallsmRNA COVID-19 vaccines, advantages and pitfallsPSRC; School of PharmacyPSRC; School of Pharmacy15; 11

💡On 7th October 2020, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of a method for genome editing "the CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors". 💡👏🏼


💡Therefore, PSRC is inviting you to join us in a scientific lecture about " CRISPR / CAS9 technology and the ongoing research to use this technology in treatment" with Dr. Areej Abuhammad on Sunday, 20th December 2020, at 6pm using ZOOM. 🙏🤩


Dr. Areej Abuhammad studied Pharmacy in the University of Jordan and was awarded an M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the same university. She successfully carried out a D.Phil. in Pharmacology in the Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford.


Dr. Abuhammad joined the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Jordan in August 2013 and since then has been working on establishing the first protein crystallization laboratory in Jordan. Dr. Abuhammad's research focuses on drug design and protein crystallography. She has published several papers and was an invited speaker in several international conferences in more than 18 countries around the world.


She was awarded the LOREAL-UNESCO “For Women In Science” Levant and Egypt Fellowship in 2017 and the LOREAL-UNESCO International Rising Talent in 2018.


💡The deadline for submission is on Friday 18/12/2020 at 10 p.m.


To sign up for this lecture, kindly fill the following form:​ 

CRISPR / CAS9 technology and the ongoing research to use this technology in treatmenCRISPR / CAS9 technology and the ongoing research to use this technology in treatmenPSRCPSRC15

The Splendor of Pharmacists magazine is pleased to announce a research-based program for students who are interested in learning about this vast subject.

Our aim is to enrich pharmacy students of all levels with the necessary and basic information about scientific research as well as to highlight it’s importance in our major.

This program consists of 4 webinars which will be presented by our experienced mentors in 4 consecutive days starting from 21st until 24th of September,2020 on GoToMeeting platform.

The schedule will be as follows:

-Day 1- 
“Writing a Proposal” presented by Dr.Hatim Al-Khatib 
Date and time: Monday 21/9/2020 at 6 PM

-Day 2-
“Research Paper Design/ Types of Studies” presented by Dr.Ali Al-Samydai
Date and time: Tuesday 22/9/2020 at 7 PM

-Day 3-
“Research Ethics” presented by Dr.Amal Al-Bakri
Date and time: Wednesday 23/9/2020 at 6 PM

-Day 4-
“Importance of Publication and Review Process/ How to Pick a Journal” presented by Ms.Suha Muhaissen 
Date and time: Thursday 24/9/2020 at 6 PM

📥Kindly fill in the form attached below.

P.S.: We would like you to 
know that a group selfie will be taken at the end of each webinar, so stay tuned!

Important Steps In Scientific ResearchImportant Steps In Scientific ResearchSOPSOP20

تقدم لكم مجلة

Splendor of Pharmacists
(SOP) 💫
لقاء تفاعلي بعنوان:
Preparation for Master's Degree🖋
وستقدمه أ.د سناء بردويل 🌺
وذلك يوم السبت ١٨/٧/٢٠٢٠📅
الساعة السادسة مساءً 🕕 على منصة GoToMeeting
يرجى تعبئة الفورم 📝

يسعدنا حضوركم🌷

❗ سيتم إغلاق الفورم يوم الجمعة/١٠مساءً 

👈في حال عدم استلام الرابط على البريد الإلكتروني يرجى التواصل على:  

The Splendor of Pharmacists magazine presents to you an interactive webinar 💫 “Preparation for Master’s Degree” hosted by Prof.Sanaa Bardaweel.🌺
Date: Saturday 18/7/2020 📅
Time: 6 PM 🕕
Platform: Microsoft Teams 
If you’re willing to attend, kindly fill in the following form: 📝

We’re looking forward for your attendance.🌼

❗ P.S. : The attendance form will be closed on Friday night at 10 PM.

👉In case you haven’t received the webinar link on your email, do not hesitate to contact us on
Attachments area
Preparation for Master's DegreePreparation for Master's DegreeSOPSOP20

يسرنا بأن نرحب بالفريق التنفيذي الجديد للنادي الطبي لسنة 2020-2021 ،


يسرنا بأن نرحب بالفريق التنفيذي الجديد للنادي الطبي لسنة 2020-2021 والذي تم اخياره بعد مقابلة كل من ترشح للإنضمام

من قبل المؤسسين و الفريق التنفيذي السابق، هذا و قد كانت النتائج النهائية كما يلي:-

رئيس النادي (President) و عنه نور الحياصات من كلية الصيدلة. Noor Hyasat -قائد الفريق الأكاديمي (Academic Content Director) و عنه أسيل الشهاب من كلية الطب. أسيل عماد -قائد فريق الأنشطة (Social Activities Director) و عنه ميس الزعارير من كلية علوم التأهيل. Mais Zaarir -قائد الفريق الاعلامي (Media Network Director) و عنه منى الفراية من كلية التمريض. Muna Alfarrayeh -قائد فريق العمليات و الشؤون المالية (Operations and Financials Director) و عنه محمد الصباغ من كليه الصيدلة. Mohammad Sabbagh

نتمنى بأن تكونوا خطوة مستقبلية كبيرة للنادي، و ان تخدمو هذا الوطن و ذاك الطالب بكل ما أوتيتم من قوة و فكر، كما نشكر جميع من تقدم للمناصب التنفيذية و الذين لم يحالفهم الحظ و ندعوهم للإنضمام ليكونو جزء من الافرقة كأعضاء و ذلك عند فتح باب الانضمام للاعضاء الجدد.

الفريق التنفيذي الجديد للنادي الطبي لسنة 2020-2021الفريق التنفيذي الجديد للنادي الطبي لسنة 2020-2021Medical club juMedical club ju19

​١. حاليًا كثيرًا ما نسمع عن أشخاص يتجهون نحو منع نفسهم من أكل المنتجات الحيوانية. 

لذلك قرر فريق الصحة العامة بعقد مناظرة بعنوان 

‏“All people should be vegetarian”

ستعقد المناظرة  يوم الإثنين 18/1/2021
من الساعة 3:00 - 5:00 مساءً

All people should be vegetarianAll people should be vegetarianJPSA ; School of PharmacyJPSA ; School of Pharmacy14; 11

​ انطلاقًا من إيماننا كصيادلة بأهمية دورنا التوعوي وتوظيف خبراتنا ونشر طاقاتنا للناس سيتمحور إبداعنا الصيدلاني حول المواضيع التالية:


١.المكملات الغذائية. 

٢.المستحضرات التجميلية. 

٣.التوعية حول مرض الضغط والسكري. 

٤.الإسعافات الأولية. 

٥.تثقيف الناس بتخصص الصيدلة. 

٦.مطعوم كورونا. 

Pharmacy Profession Advocacy CampaignPharmacy Profession Advocacy CampaignJPSA JPSA 14


بتنظيم من لجنة الانشطة الطلابية 

(  JPSA مع فريق  ) 

ولجنة النشاط الرياضي في كلية الصيدلة  وبالتعاون مع عمادة شؤون الطلبة في الجامعة

مسيرة لدعم مرضى السرطان

وذلك يوم الاحد الموافق 14/2/2021 الساعة 10:30 صباحاً من امام مكتبة الجامعة​

مسيرة لدعم مرضى السرطانمسيرة لدعم مرضى السرطانJPSA ; School of PharmacyJPSA ; School of Pharmacy14; 11

​​Online Webinar:

A Tour in The Pharmaceutical Industry: The Role of The Pharmacist​.​

A Tour in The Pharmaceutical Industry: The Role of The PharmacistA Tour in The Pharmaceutical Industry: The Role of The PharmacistPSRC; SOP; School of PharmacyPSRC; SOP; School of Pharmacy15; 20; 11