Welcome to JPSA Website

​Pharmacy students in Jordan have so many potentials that need awareness, support and guidance to be unleashed. Directing Students’ energies to achieve accomplishments will result in positive outcomes for both; individuals as well as their communities. By realizing the importance of pharmacy students' role in their communities and the need for an entity to guide the students, Jordan Pharmaceutical Students’Association (JPSA)was established. JPSA is a non-political, non-profit, and non-religious organization that was founded in May 2007. JPSA is affiliated to the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF), which is the mother federation of all pharmacy students’ association. All pharmacy students in different Jordanian Universities are eligible to join up until 4 years of their graduation. Currently, JPSA is in 4 different universities in Jordan including; The University Of Jordan, Jordan University Of Science And Technology, The Hashemite University and Middle East University. International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF): The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation was founded in 1949 in London. The Federation now represents around 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 70 countries worldwide. IPSF is a non-governmental, non- political, and nonreligious organization and is the leading international advocacy organization of pharmacy students promoting improved public health through provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities. (http://www.ipsf.org​)



Passionate, well oriented, and skilled pharmacy students who can leave their everlasting impact on public health and pharmacy profession.​



Inspire and prepare pharmacy students to become productive members in their society and improve health awareness in Jordan.



1.Enhance cooperation and communication among pharmacy students in Jordan.

2.Perform public health activities to increase health awareness among the community.

3.Involve students in capacity building and skills development activities.

4.Encourage Students to participate in international and regional events organized by IPSF and exchange experience with pharmacy students from other countries.

5.Build bridges for students with the working field making them more qualified to meet the market needs when they graduate.​​​





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