School News :: School of Pharmacy

School News

  • 30 - May
  • 2024

College students won first place in Therapeutics competition

A team of students from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Jordan participated in the activities of the first competition in pharmacology and therapeutics at the level of colleges of pharmacy in Jordan, which was held at Zarqa Private University.

The team of students from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Jordan won first place, after qualifying for the final stage in the competition in which eleven Jordanian universities participated.

This competition aims to enhance knowledge exchange between students of colleges of pharmacy in Jordanian universities, raise the quality of teaching and learning outcomes, and develop work competencies and group activity.

The Dean of the College, Dr. Rula Darwish, congratulated the winning team of our students, stressing our pride in the students' skills and that this excellence represents an important step towards achieving academic and professional excellence for pharmacy students and qualifying them in the labor market.

We are all proud of the achievements of our students.
